31 Dec 2023

This month we celebrate the recent successes of alumni and staff.

Finally (and I don't think this will be a finally as we think that this film is going to be back on this page pretty soon) Ross Stringer has hit a massive home run with his truly well deserved gong for Best British Film at the London International Animation Festival for his NFTS film 'Crab Day'.

It's a true delight and a unanimous decision by the judges who praised its economic story telling and beautiful animation. Gosh we are so proud.


Ciara Kerr and a still from her animation work

Apart from continuing to be an absolute star in the UCA department as lecturer, Ciara Kerr has continued her world domination by not only winning Best Animation at the 'This Is England' Festival in Rouen with 'Homemaker' she also won the Outstanding Award at the 22nd International Student Film Festival in Bejing. 


Stills from work by UCA students at the The Eat Out Shorts Animation Festival

The Eat Out Shorts Animation Festival brought a deluge of winners including awards for Finn Morgan-Roberts terrific 'Dead Red Kit', Neil Law's 'Splat' (winning two awards) and Matyna Walasek's 'Neighbour'. Such a great representation and such fantastic films.


London International Animation Festival 2023

Like a beautiful fall of snow, we opened our curtains in December to find the garden covered in Good News. Kicking things off was Freya Buckland's charming and hilarious grad film 'Good Mates and Drum 'n' Bass' landing in the 20th London International Animation Festival as part of the International Competition 'From Absurd to Zany' screening.