30 Jun 2023

Our very own Mim Fox, alumnus, and sometime-tutor-extrodinaire has had her NFTS film "Dead Silent" screened about all over the place.

Most notably it has picked up screenings at the auspicious Zagreb Animation Festival, and a nomination for a Royal Television Society Award! Fantastic news Mim, though we reserve our surprise... 

The Mother of All Fears poster

Recent Graduate Priya Choudhury has been awarded a win at 4Theatre Film Festival for her experimental CG/2D digital extravaganza "The Mother of All Fears". Excellent stuff, Priya.

Weight of Consciousness poster

Alemsah Firat, formerly of this parish, is having her graduation film "Weight of Consciousness" screened at Student Impact Film Festival: An incredible and hauntingly skillful oil-on-glass film. Well worth a watch, people.